We hope everyone is feeling excited for BUCS! For a full guide to the on the water side of the event, visit https://www.bucs.org.uk/events-page/windsurfing-championships-2024-25.html
Just so people are aware we also have some new courses, as well as a couple regulations around the length of board used to keep racing fair and interesting. This is unlikely to affect anyone but please have a look. The current plan is for Advanced to be racing course A, Intermediate to be racing course B and Beginner to be racing course C.
See you all in Bristol!
It feels like only yesterday that I sat and wrote the ‘AK What to Expect’ guide and here we are now at the end of the season. The results are in, everyone’s caught up on sleep (I hope) and all the big events in the SWA calendar are complete. I’d like to thank everyone who attended events this year, we truly wouldn’t be the same without you. We’d also like to thank our sponsors, Boardwise, C-Monsta, DryRobe, Club Vass, Salt Rock, Buccaneer, and Monster Energy, for their support and awesome prizes. Finally, I’d like to thank the clubs who hosted events this year, we really couldn’t hold events without your help! Now, on to the season wrap-up.
And with that, the 2024-25 Season began!
For the last event of the series and ultimately the most important of them all, all the universities hailed down to Bristol for Nationals. As people unpacked, they were rushed back out of the houses straight down to Kings Street to enjoy the night at Kongs. Over a couple of pints, high scores were made on all the arcade machines. However, the competitive edge was left for the Saturday windsurfing.