The Student Windsurfing Association


Event Details

This event is on: 2014-11-28

You must buy tickets by: 2014-11-24

This event is part of the: 2014/15 season

Event Results

Team Results

# Uni Team Points
1 Bristol 1 1
2 Cardiff 1 2
3 Bristol 2 3
4 Birmingham 1 4
5 Birmingham 2 4
6 Southampton 1 4
7 Imperial 1 7
8 Liverpool 1 7
9 Plymouth 1 7
10 UWE 1 26
11 Swansea 2 26
12 Cambridge 1 26
13 UWE 1 26
14 Southampton 2 26
15 Durham 2 26
16 Nottingham 1 26
17 Southampton 3 26
18 Liverpool 2 26
19 Southampton Solent 1 26
20 Swansea 1 26
21 Warwick 1 26
22 Birmingham 3 26
23 Exeter 1 26
24 Durham 1 26

Freestyle Results

# Name University Points
1 Alex Mitchell Portsmouth 1
2 Leo Calnan Southampton 2
3 Louis Morris Bristol 3
4 Vasileios Lyras Imperial 4
5 Sophie Harvey Birmingham 5
6 Jane Paddison SWA Committee 6
7 Charlie Wilson Southampton 7
8 Megan Burton Bristol 7
9 Thomas Taylor Birmingham 9
10 nadir balena Southampton Solent 23
11 Aidan Liddy Durham 23
12 Charlie Jones Bristol 23
13 Sara Kellett UWE 23
14 Filip Markiewicz Southampton 23
15 Liath Campbell Durham 23
16 William Capps Liverpool 23
17 George Simmonds Southampton 23
18 David Ayre Birmingham 23
19 Calum Healey Southampton 23
20 John Hamilton Southampton Solent 23
21 Henry Maxfield Durham 23

Advanced Race Results

# Name University Points
1 Louis Morris Bristol 1
2 Ben Bulson Bristol 2
3 Vasileios Lyras Imperial 3
4 James Mugridge Plymouth 4
5 Charlie Wilson Southampton 5
6 Ka Lung Lum Bristol 5
7 Leo Calnan Southampton 5
8 Laurel Townsend Cambridge 5
9 Jonny Snow Southampton 9
10 Thomas Taylor Birmingham 9
11 Dan Lytton Exeter 9
12 Matthew Duffin Bristol 9
13 James Arney University of Life 13
14 Megan Burton Bristol 13
15 Amy Robinson Cardiff 13
16 Sam Cooper Imperial 13
17 Sophie Harvey Birmingham 17
18 David Ayre Birmingham 19
19 Joseph Faulkner Birmingham 21
20 Liam Bligh Birmingham 28
21 Jacek Golebiowski Imperial 143
22 Will Bond Swansea 143
23 Jo Wright Exeter 143
24 Samuel Hibdige Sheffield 143
25 Alex Miszkiel Nottingham 143
26 Mark Evison Nottingham 143
27 Sara Kellett UWE 143
28 Jake Roberts Swansea 143
29 Benjamin Lawrence Cambridge 143
30 Duncan Glasby Liverpool 143
31 Jonny Baines Birmingham 143
32 Calum Healey Southampton 143
33 Chris Watts Cambridge 143
34 Natalia Cerdan Leeds 143
35 Daniel Connor Nottingham 143
36 Matthew Fox Plymouth 143
37 Anthony Chalk XSWA 143
38 Adam Palmer Exeter 143
39 Beth Jones Southampton 143
40 James Massey Birmingham 143
41 James Crampton Liverpool 143
42 Joel Russell Imperial 143
43 Daniel Pingstone York 143
44 Kieran Holmes-Martin Exeter 143
45 Charlie Williams Plymouth 143
46 Alex Parker Cardiff 143
47 Aidan Liddy Durham 143
48 Liath Campbell Durham 143
49 William Capps Liverpool 143
50 Alexandre Badin Southampton 143
51 Henry Maxfield Durham 143
52 Michael Jarman Swansea 143
53 William Lang UWE 143
54 Javier Tomas Birmingham 143

Intermediate Race Results

# Name University Points
1 Ellie Meopham UWE 18
2 Eryk Hejnicki Southampton Solent 20
3 Jane Paddison SWA Committee 21
4 Adam Shorland UWE 21
5 Juliet Cairney Bristol 21
6 Emily Fittock Liverpool 21
7 Laura Mottram UWE 21
8 Nick Hughff Plymouth 29
9 Clare Reid-Peters Birmingham 30
10 Niko Bugelli Liverpool 32
11 Pablo Andres Andalaft Tarodo Bristol 143
12 Peter van Os Plymouth 143
13 Benjamin Wall UWE 143
14 Andy White Birmingham 143
15 Natasha Varley Plymouth 143
16 Samuel Chapman Exeter 143
17 Holly Williams Liverpool 143
18 Alex Turnbull UWE 143
19 Natalia Orgonova Birmingham 143
20 Ali Ewida Swansea 143
21 Oliver Creese Birmingham 143
22 Luke Storry Bristol 143
23 Niklas Steimann Plymouth 143
24 Matthew Turner Southampton Solent 143
25 Rebecca Ellam Liverpool 143
26 Emily Sym Southampton 143
27 Andrew Reid Birmingham 143
28 Sam Grant Liverpool 143
29 Harry Williams Southampton 143
30 Freya Dargavel Nottingham 143
31 Edgars Kronbergs UEA 143
32 Annabel Cattermole Southampton 143
33 Evie Bale Nottingham 143
34 Claire Bowman UWE 143
35 Joshua Gotting Birmingham 143
36 Jessica Simmons Bangor 143
37 Joel Hallam Warwick 143
38 John Wiggins Bristol 143
39 Kristian Lockey York 143
40 Loli Smith Plymouth 143
41 George Glennie Exeter 143
42 James Metcalfe Imperial 143
43 James Cochran Durham 143
44 Emily Wheeler Exeter 143
45 James Coulthard Birmingham 143
46 Michael Ward Liverpool 143
47 Patrick Devaney Liverpool 143
48 Rachel Rutherford Birmingham 143
49 Matthew Causley Swansea 143
50 Barnaby Jupp Southampton 143
51 Ronan Smith Durham 143
52 Pippa Mitchell Birmingham 143
53 Annie Shuttleworth Exeter 143
54 Nicola Fry UWE 143

Beginner Race Results

# Name University Points
1 Jenny Wright Liverpool 21
2 Katherine Thomas Southampton 31
3 Ladawan jongram Southampton Solent 143
4 Robyn Murdoch Swansea 143
5 Charlotte Robins Exeter 143
6 Alice Lyons Bristol 143
7 Joel Edwardson Bristol 143
8 Irma Poder Southampton Solent 143
9 Jack Osborne Exeter 143
10 Valentina Fahrenholz Southampton 143
11 Edward Jones Plymouth 143
12 Teifion Luckett Liverpool 143
13 Richard Castelino Bangor 143
14 Lily Bray Southampton 143
15 Phoebe Spey UWE 143
16 Chrystal Altman Southampton Solent 143
17 Martin Lazo Cardiff 143
18 Ellen Hayward Southampton 143
19 Kate Farmer Exeter 143
20 Alex Milroy Bristol 143
21 Kate Mainprice Bristol 143
22 Amy Hough Exeter 143
23 Luke Jones Liverpool 143
24 Charlotte Green Birmingham 143
25 Tom Geerah UWE 143
26 Joseph Horne Liverpool 143
27 Emma Ridley Southampton 143
28 Jon Debney Leeds 143
29 Alex Morgan Birmingham 143
30 Tiffany Orr Southampton Solent 143
31 Sean Coutts Swansea 143


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