The Student Windsurfing Association
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As members of the Student Windsurfing Association (SWA), or as a participant of SWA affiliated events, you’re expected to conduct yourself in a manner that demonstrates respect for the SWA, its members and the community. The SWA puts great emphasis on good behaviour and dealing with serious cases of misconduct. To achieve this goal, the SWA has set up some rules of conduct for members to follow; this is an extensive but not exhaustive list of activities that the SWA regards as constituting misconduct.

They are as follows:

  • Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, intimidating or offensive behaviour or language (whether expressed orally, in writing or electronically, including social networking websites and other electronic means).
  • Substantial obstruction or interference with the functions, duties or legitimate activities of SWA members or participants at SWA affiliated events.
  • Any actions or behaviours that can be characterised as sexual misconduct under the U.K. Sexual Offences Act of 2003, including but not limited to: assault, groping, unwanted touching, and sexual activity without full consent.
  • Any behaviour which could constitute discrimination or harassment on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment, race, religion, disability or age towards any member of the SWA, or any members of the general public.
  • Theft, misappropriation, unauthorised use or misuse of SWA property, its members’ property or property of university windsurfing clubs, sponsors or participants at SWA events.
  • Fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to members of the SWA or participants at SWA affiliated events.
  • Action which may cause injury or jeopardise the safety of others whilst at SWA affiliated events.
  • The possession, sale, supply or the use or misuse of any controlled drug at SWA affiliated events.
  • Bribery or attempted bribery including but not limited to offering or giving money, gifts or any other advantage to any member of the SWA with the intention of inducing that person to perform their role improperly or of rewarding that person for performing their role improperly.
  • Intentional or reckless damage or defacement of property belonging to the SWA, its members, affiliated clubs or the public.
  • The unauthorised possession or use of any firearm or dangerous weapon.
  • Failure to comply with any penalties or sanctions imposed as a result of the Student Windsurfing Associations disciplinary procedures.

If you are aware of any misconduct or want to raise any concerns or even want to chat, please don’t hesitate to get into contact with our friendly committee.



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