The Student Windsurfing Association

Back from the dead! Cardiff's first event in years started off with a bang, albeit an intimate one with only the most dedicated windsurfers in attendance. The non-Cardiffians got to experience the glory that is half-off Fridays at the Taf, then headed into Studentville for a groovy night in misfits.

The next day started very very very late (sorry Rhea) however we managed to get some racing, free sailing and even beginner coaching in at Llandegfedd. After a much needed nap and oven pizza we were off to Casa de William Meek dressed in our finest circus outfits before heading to the legendary Live Lounge. It was at this point Brum showed up for approximately 3 hours, dressed as a tent, and disappeared again…

We finished off the event with a lovely afternoon where the sun came out for once (in Wales!), free sailing and prize giving. All in all, it was an amazing first event and the people really made it, so massive thanks to them as well as Llandegfedd Reservoir, Boardwise and the SWA peeps for making sure everything ran smoothly.

Much love and looking forward to seeing you all next year!!


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