The event was decided by competitions in Drinking, Speed Rigging, Speed sailing, Freestyle and Hangtime...
The Friday night saw hundreds of students descend on the 3D centre in Osmington for enrolment. Grabbing a t-shirt and heading to the bar to catch up with those mates that they hadnt seen over that long hot summer. It was also a chance for the freshers among us to grab their first glance at what a student windsurfing event is all about meeting hundreds of like minded, up for it people desperate to get out windsurfing! In fact, there was so much catching up to do, many didnt get to bed until well into the early hours of the morning.
A few hours later, for some, everyone was woken up largely to the sound of presidents drumming on their doors to get them down in time breakfast and ready to start the day! By mid morning everyone had been split into groups and was receiving top of the range tuition from the instructors (cheers, to all those guys that offered to help out you were brilliant). With everything from beginners learning what windsurfing is all about to the latest freestyle moves (some instructors got as bit carried away), to the advanced receiving first class tuition and general entertainment from Jem Hall and Jim Collis, no one was left out.
When everyone arrived at the Sailing Academy by early afternoon it was already howling a constant force 7. So, soon the freestyle comp was running - being judged by such esteemed names as Peter Hart, Jem Hall, Jim Collis, Tris Best and Jon Metcalfe. Within minutes hundreds of students had gathered to support their uni members ripping it up with grubbies, spocks, body drags, 360s, forward loops and much much more. The standard was phenomenal, with some of Britains best up and coming talent. After a closely fought out final, Mike Wand-Tetley came away as overall winner, with a fantastic display of some very impressive freestyle moves.
Freestyle comp over and everyone bundled in their vans, heading back to the 3D centre to grab their 70s Hawaii fancy dress for the party, which was held in a huge activities centre complete with Jagermeister girls, hours of comedy dancing and some very inventive costumes!
Sunday morning started off a little slower with many slightly worse for wear students arriving at the Sailing Academy in a very confused state from the night before, with the exception of Bristol Uni club who were there and raring to go, all rigged up by 10:00 good effort guys!
Sunday morning gave all the freshers a chance to learn the art of mincing a crucial talent at any windsurfing event. But by lunchtime the first batch of beginners and intermediates were receiving on water RYA tuition under the watchful eyes of the UKWA rescue boats, John Metcalfe and Charlie Connelly. Down the other end of the site, the advanced were getting involved in a Slalom comp organised by Oli Woodcock, RYA British Windsurfing Team Sailor and National Coach. With the Boardwise Van on hand to offer free sailors the chance to demo the latest pre-rigged, brand new kit.
Cheers everyone for an awesome event. Well done to all those beginners that had their first ever go at windsurfing in crazy offshore, force 5-7 winds, anything will be easy, you'll be looping before you know it!
Thanks to all our event helpers, especially to the UKWA, Jem Hall, Jim Collis, Oli Woodcock, Peter Hart, Tris Best, John Metcalfe and Charlie Connelly. Thanks aswell to our event sponsors and supporters; Boardwise, Windtek, Starboard/Tushingham,, Extreme Sports Channel, BicSport, Straw House, Lodey Sails and Windsurf Magazine. Also thanks to solentsailboards for donating the prize for the 'under pressure challenge' raffle - raising money for the SWA's nominated charity - the RNLI (see the write up in windsurf mag).
Check out the event photos and the AK Forum pages on the website. Also look out for event coverage on the BBC News, Extreme Sports Channel, in Windsurf Magazine, Boardseeker Online Mag, the Times Newspaper and many more.
Also don't forget to check out the website for the list of forthcoming events the next being Cardiff University's Reservoir Dogs on 6th-7th of Nov; complete with Slalom, Supercross, Freestyle comp and off course fantastic Saturday Night Party.
Mike from Falmouth coping very well with the light winds on the inside |
The level of competition was very high with plenty of vulcans, spocks forward loops and many other combo moves including advanced fall-ins.
Many thanks to Sarah, Pete, Phil for running the competition and to Peter Hart, Jim Collis, Tris Best and Jon Metcalfe for judging. Also thanks to Boardwise for their prizes.
The stand-out performer was Falmouth's Mike Wand-Tetley who amazed the crowds with vulcans very clean forwards spocks and even some ponch attempts.
1st Mike Wand-Tetley (gaastra/starboard) - falmouth
2nd Adam Cropper (tush/starboard, onboard) - southampton
3rd Olly Woodcock (spot on water, 604distribution, mistral/north) - bournemouth
4th Lukie - exeter
5th= Munch (riks) - southampton
Jack - bournemouth
Gordon - bristol
Ed - bristol
9th= Tom
Henry - cambridge
Chris - imperial
Bob - southampton
Friday night signup in the Rose and Crown, populated by a stunning number of Nottingham 'pikeys', went surprisingly well despite the mind numbingly loud music from DJ Disco Dave. Finally, he ran out of disco juice allowing us to escape to the student friendly Ropewalk Bar clad in the finest of Pondlife T-shirts. Most survived the journey despite the Southampton crew who went searching for a non-existent house party. The rest was a blur but everyone was safely housed by morning.
Bellys full of bacon sandwiches and all begins well, BUT WAIT! Pikeys strike back and smash their way into Bella's car before remembering that they were too stupid to steal it. A big sorry to Bella on that one! This was quickly followed up by massive traffic diversions and misadventures in Melton Mobray which led to severe lateness.
By twelve everyone had arrived and a modest breeze allowed beginner and intermediate racing led by four notts blonde beauties Clare, Anna, Laura and Dan. There was plenty of advanced freesailing on the fantastic Tushingham-Starboard and Boardwise demo kit, cheers Paul, Amy and Mark.
(Thank you Charlie [Leeds] for beginner instruction, despite your fake neoprene six-pack.)
Pondlife: The Party
Hmmm, what can be said? once again all began swimmingly (pardon the pun) with pizzas for all and wicked costumes of vegetables, bubble wrap, balloons, paddling pools and lots and lots of green! Then the Funnellers struck. Wielded by Morsey and Newts this devastating weapon caused carnage leading to fire alarms, ceramic duck hockey and paddling pool sumo wrestling. Matters were made worse by Sam and Andy abusing the bar manager until beer prices were reduced eventually culminating into an unnamed individual being catapulted into the DJ by a rogue paddling pool. After much apologising and agreement about the poor state of students today, the tunes began to flow once more.
Night Porter's comments:
"In Thirty years I've never seen a mess worse than this. You know that the TaeKwonDo club have to train here tomorrow barefoot."
The return of bacon sandwiches and un-showered Greenies (whose idea was it to use permanent green body paint and where the hell did they get it??-ed) to Rutland Water Caf' elped ease hangovers for all. All had assembled by eleven on the Sunday morning for a day of beginner tuition, intermediate freesailing and advanced freestlye and racing. The wind picked up through the day allowing some great advanced competitions. Thanks to Jack (Notts) for the beginner tuition and abuse on the loudhailer. The day was capped off with a Sheep chasing Techno masterblast/mud bath proudly won by Henry 'richrock-evans' (Cambridge) although Welsh Matt (Cardiff) complained the race was unfair as the sheep knew he was coming...
Thanks to Tushingham/Starboard and Boardwise for their great prizes. And of course thanks to all the SWA event sponsors.
Congratulations to all who competed.
1st. Chris Addison (Cambridge)
2nd. Dave 'Lukie' Evans (Exeter)
3rd. Adam Cropper (Soton)
1st. Henry (Cambridge)
2nd. Crispy (Cambridge)
3rd. Matt (Cardiff)
1st. Paul Reynolds (Cardiff)
2nd. Harry Klinger (Cardiff)
3rd. Emmett English (Soton)
1st Lady. Sophie Shaw (Essex)
2nd Lady. Louise Coleville (Exeter)
1st. Harriet (Soton)
2nd. Matt (Birmingham)
3rd. Charlie (UWE)
4th. Andrea (Nottingham)
5th. Mandy (Birmingham)
6th. Al (Cardiff)
1st. Cambridge
2nd. Cardiff
3rd. Southampton
4th. Exeter
5th= Essex & Birmingham
7th. UWE
1st. James Day (Oxford)
2nd. Sam Stevens (Southampton)
3rd. Keith Phillips (Cardiff)
1st. Lady. Emily Shaw (Bristol)
1st. Erica Phillips (York)
2nd. Chris Sharp (Cardiff)
3rd. Stephen Prince (Liverpool)
1st. Mike Parker (Southampton)
2nd. James Day (Oxford)
3rd. Ben Fairclough (Exeter)
1st. Southampton
2nd. Cardiff
3rd. Liverpool
Thanks to MountainWater Experience for having us all and providing awesome accomodation and food!
Thanks also to the club's sponsors for their help and prize donations.